
Hello members,

Telus’ concessions remain on the table.

Your committee is fighting for a successful collective agreement. Job security, wage increases, health benefits. Our Power to make gains comes from your support and your participation.

When we stand together and support each other in solidarity, anything is possible.

Other Unions are rising up, and standing up for themselves and making gains.

We've been bargaining for 8 months and met with the Company for 43 days and despite record profit, more than 50 concessions remain on the table. Despite fighting to make meaningful gains your committee has spent much of its time defending the benefits in our current contract.

The Telus AGM showcased its financial success last Friday and Darren Entwistle, the highest paid telecommunications CEO in Canada, said that “Telus is about better human outcomes” and “ Telus, there is a culture of caring.”

As members throughout our Union #RiseUP to show Telus we need an improved Collective Agreement, there’s now a new way to show your solidarity with your coworkers across the country: Sign the #RiseUP Flag!

Every year on April 28, we recognize the National Day of Mourning across Canada. This day is dedicated to remembering and honouring those who have lost their lives, or suffered injury or illness on the job. This year it hits especially close to our Local. It will have been 16 days since we lost our Brother Keith Murphy to a fatal workplace accident.

Local Union 1944 is heartbroken to announce the death of Brother Keith Murphy, who was killed on the job in a workplace accident in the early hours of April 12, 2022.
Brother Murphy has worked as an Access Technician for Telus since 2015 and hailed out of Unit 4 in the Kootenay region of Eastern British Columbia.

April 8, 2022 - Your Bargaining Committee has continued to meet with the Company to demand improvements to job protection, benefits, and scheduling. The Company is continuing with its trend of decreasing job security, collapsing job titles, placing restrictions on pensions and benefits, having you work harder, and paying you less.

They can do better. We deserve better.

March 1, 2022 - The Bargaining Committee would like to address some Company actions and rumors we have been hearing from you, our Local 1944 members. It's important for you to know that during a bargaining year the Company practices may change. What was once acceptable may no longer be. Thus described as the ‘silly season’.

Our Collective Agreement remains in full force and effect. Our members need to know it and enforce it.

Remember if you don't hear it from us, it's likely not true!!

February 1, 2022 - USW Local 1944 is constantly looking for ways to protect you. We are in the midst of a major campaign to do exactly that. PROTECT YOU! One way we are succeeding in doing that is by ensuring that all eligible discipline is removed. At a time when Telus is frequently disciplining, one of the most powerful ways to protect yourself is to have old discipline removed from your file. This is a right enshrined in Article 10.03 of the current Collective Agreement.

January 25, 2022 - The Bargaining Committee continues to meet and work through the proposals that the Union and Company have put forward. 

In this round, we have been able to push the Company to provide specific language much sooner than previous rounds of bargaining. But, sadly, their proposals are still concessionary.