
March 1, 2022 - The Bargaining Committee would like to address some Company actions and rumors we have been hearing from you, our Local 1944 members. It's important for you to know that during a bargaining year the Company practices may change. What was once acceptable may no longer be. Thus described as the ‘silly season’.

Our Collective Agreement remains in full force and effect. Our members need to know it and enforce it.

Remember if you don't hear it from us, it's likely not true!!

February 1, 2022 - USW Local 1944 is constantly looking for ways to protect you. We are in the midst of a major campaign to do exactly that. PROTECT YOU! One way we are succeeding in doing that is by ensuring that all eligible discipline is removed. At a time when Telus is frequently disciplining, one of the most powerful ways to protect yourself is to have old discipline removed from your file. This is a right enshrined in Article 10.03 of the current Collective Agreement.

January 25, 2022 - The Bargaining Committee continues to meet and work through the proposals that the Union and Company have put forward. 

In this round, we have been able to push the Company to provide specific language much sooner than previous rounds of bargaining. But, sadly, their proposals are still concessionary.

February 24, 2022 - Bargaining is here, and the key to making sure YOU get a fair and improved Collective Agreement is YOU showing your support for YOUR BARGAINING COMMITTEE. PUMA Campaign #3 is your chance to #RISEUP to show this support.

December 16, 2021 - The Union has been fielding many questions since the Concierge Award was announced in October. Members have been patient, but have questions.

Below is a sampling of the questions we are receiving and the answers we are providing.

Q – When will I get paid?
The first payout, for some members, is happening on December 16th, 2021.

December 2, 2021 - The Union and the Company have continued to meet and discuss each other's proposals for a total of six more days since our last update on October 28, 2021. 

October 28, 2021 - As we know, your Local Union has been engaging and listening to you, the members, for months. We all know that Telus is a successful company and has made extraordinary amounts of money during COVID.

Too many of us feel undervalued and not recognized for our collective contribution to Telus’ success.

October 13, 2021 - We have been in constant contact with Telus regarding their current requirement for COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Screening.

Telus has agreed with the Union that their policy needed improvement.

We are happy to hear that we were taken seriously and that there will be changes to the testing requirements. Members were previously asked to test on specific days of the week regardless of their schedule. That testing will now be conducted only on working days, and only 30 minutes prior to start of scheduled shift start. There will be no requirement to test on days off.

September 27, 2021 - The Union is seeing an increase in grievances regarding denial of Short Term Disability claims. As we know, the appeal process can in some cases take considerable time. With these wait times, some members have felt the need to return to work prior to their medical leave end date since they are often unsure of the appeal outcome, and are not receiving pay.
September 10, 2021 - On June 16, 2021, the USW Local 1944 released a Hotline entitled “Cost of Living Pay Increase”. It has been brought to our attention that a number of members covered under Appendix B (ON/QC) have not received their 0.6% wage increase pursuant to Article 24 Cost of Living Allowance of the collective agreement.