The United Steelworkers are committed to equality. We believe unions need women and women need unions. We have strong policies against harassment in the workplace, bargain for pay equity and offer training and leadership development to our women members.
All women who are members of the Union are considered Women of Steel.
Who are Women of Steel?
Women of Steel are as diverse as Canada’s population. We are young, middle-aged, and older. We are straight, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender. We are First Nations, Metis, and Inuit, or more recently arrived in Canada, from all cultural backgrounds. They are a growing segment of our union.
Role of women and women’s committees in USW
This is our union! There are lots of ways women can play a role in our union, some of them — like being a steward — are of long-standing. Or you could create a new role based on the needs of your local membership or in your community.
USW encourages women members to be leaders within the local union, as a way to make the local and our union stronger. You can be active in any elected or volunteer role.
Women of Steel Committee Special Publications
Generally, members are aware of what depression, anxiety and stress are. However, workers may not be aware of what burnout is. The Women of Steel are releasing four publications raising awareness around some common mental health issues, with a focus on burnout which could be affecting members.
Composition of the USW Local 1944 Women of Steel Committee
Briana Vigna
Brittany Cardinal
Isabelle Chayer
Gitika Sharma
Robin Navin - Trustee
Raven Reed
Jenn Turner - Vice President
Terika Peters - Trustee, Chair
Rachel Worley - Local Union Representative
Get involved!
To get involved with USW Local 1944's Women of Steel, please contact or fill in the application form online to join the Committee.
For more information, please visit the Facebook page and the USW Canada web page.