At the beginning of bargaining, we committed to keeping you informed about how bargaining was progressing and, in that vein, here is where we currently find ourselves.
Committed to the needs of the membership and the mandate you gave us, your Bargaining Committee has had one clear message for our Employer every day at the Table: Unit 60 members refuse to live in a world where our members lose their jobs while contractors continue to do the work that we perform.
Before your Bargaining Committee filed for conciliation, we had already scheduled October 24, 25, & 26 to be at the table with the Company which, under our Federal Conciliation deadlines, would have taken place just after the 21-day cooling off period.
As conciliation unfolds, expect the dribble of friendly communications from management to ramp up as they attempt to colour the proceedings from their perspective.
Thank you to everyone who attended one of our four Bargaining Update Town Halls across the Lower Mainland over the past two weeks. The topic of conversation was important, thus it was vital to be in front of as many of you as possible. We appreciated your passionate participation – we heard your questions and suggestions loud and clear, and they will shape our approach when we return to the Table July 18th, 19th, and 20th.