Join Us

To learn more or to join our Local, contact us at or submit your info here

Be assured that any communication will remain confidential.

Building a Better Future for Telecom Employees

It is the hard work and abilities of telecom employees that make Canada’s telecom companies like Telus, Shaw, Rogers, Bell and others so profitable. But with shifting regulations and technology changes, profitable companies are cutting costs on the backs of hard-working employees.

It all adds up to one thing: If you work in telecom, you deserve a voice in what’s happening to your job and your sector.

If you work for a telecom company, or for a contractor doing telecom work, make sure you know what being a union member and having a real voice on the job can mean for you. We are committed to providing telecom employees without union representation with the information they need to join. 

Our mandate as a union is to engage in smart, progressive bargaining to protect and improve pay, benefits and other terms and conditions of employment.

Beyond Bargaining

We are active beyond the bargaining table to ensure that employees’ voices help shape the future of the telecom sector in Canada. We take our voices to the halls of government to make sure telecom employees’ interests are taken seriously when new policies and laws are made.

Composition of the USW Local 1944’s Organizing Committee

Jayson Little - USW Staff Representative
Corey Mandryk - Trustee
Ross Brown – Secretary-Treasurer
Michael Phillips - President
Jenn Turner - Vice President, Chair
