
January 25, 2021 - The Local’s Bargaining Committee representing members at Telus met by Zoom last week. We reviewed the many Bargaining Survey responses that you, the members, submitted. The results laid bare the many struggles and challenges you face in your work, and the large gap between the efforts you put in to your job versus how you are treated and compensated by Telus.

January 22, 2021 - Thank you everyone for exercising patience as I try to work through the Holiday coding issues with Telus (see previous Acting President’s Message here). They are firm in their position that they made an honest mistake and that they corrected that mistake by applying the language of the collective agreement.
January 18, 2021 - By now, you may have seen management’s January 14th email announcing Telus’ Ergonomic Subsidy and Internet Subsidy for those who qualify to enter the “At Home Agent Evolution” program in Q2.
January 11, 2021 - Thanks to all of you who completed the 2021 USW / Telus Bargaining Survey. There was massive participation, more than double what we have seen for any other survey conducted in the past several years! In particular, we heard a lot of feedback that members appreciated the depth of questions about your work experience and bargaining priorities, and the many opportunities to provide open-ended feedback.
January 8, 2021 - To those affected by the coding issues regarding the statutory holidays of the Christmas break, I have been in constant contact with the Acting Director of Telus Labour Relations since Christmas Eve day. I am grateful for the many members who have flagged this as an issue and for all of the emails I have received. I am acutely aware of your frustration and the disruption in your lives that this has caused. This is why since December 24th, the Acting Director and myself have been working on this very important issue.
December 10, 2020 - Today, USW Local 1944 launches our first Project for United Membership Action (PUMA) Campaign: RealityCheck Survey.

December 4, 2020 - In case you didn’t complete our USW – Telus Bargaining Survey during the November 20th elections, the survey will remain available online until December 20th. 

November 27 - The election for your bargaining committee has taken place and the votes counted. As previously communicated, we announced that you, the Telus members, would be an integral part in the selection of your committee in a brand new way. One member – one vote. You the members would decide collectively. We made sure that each province and each classification would be fairly represented, based on the applicable number of members in any one province. In doing so, we designed the ‘silo’ approach.

July 2, 2020 - On Friday, the Union was notified by Telus that a member had dared to post the Local’s poster that reads, “Thanks to all Telecom Workers that allow Canadians to work from home” on a door within a Central Office in Alberta, and that management had taken the poster down as it wasn’t on a Union Board. 

June 26, 2020 - A November 27, 2019 hotline communicated the Union’s intent to seek a ruling from the Arbitrator over the Company’s proposed compensation to our members, stemming from the Arbitrator deciding the Concierge grievance in our favour.