September 2, 2021 - The federal government recently made September 30th National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, a statutory holiday, as a small step toward reconciliation with the First Peoples of Canada. It is intended as a day off from work that we can use to learn and grieve together as a country.
September 1, 2021 - Local 1944 has reviewed yesterday’s Telus Vaccination Policy announcement, and we are in support of it. It is very important that members read the Policy and related explanatory documents carefully to fully understand what the Policy is and what it isn’t, as there already appears to be some misunderstanding of what is being required.
June 30, 2021 - Members’ children graduating from high school and registering in any post-secondary public institution have one month leftto submit their application and seize the financial opportunity of a USW Local 1944 scholarship! There are 3 scholarships of $750 and 4 scholarships of $1,000.
June 16, 2021 - On June 16, 2021, Statistics Canada reported the Consumer Price Index had increased 3.6% from May 2020 to May 2021, and as such, this has triggered the COLA clause in our Collective Agreement with Telus.
June 7, 2021 - USW Local 1944 is proud to announce that we will be holding a Pension Information Presentation with all four Union Trustees and the Plan Administrator of the TWPP.
The Telecommunications Workers Pension Plan is the retirement plan jointly Trusteed by Local 1944 and Telus, for members within the Telus bargaining unit in BC. It is currently the retirement plan for over 15,700 members/former members and retirees.
RealityCheck results are in: 53% of respondents say their PulseCheck answers are a reflection of what the company wants to hear and not what they truly feel.
May 14, 2021 - Your Bargaining Committee continues to meet to review language, build proposals and do the work necessary prior to negotiations with Telus. We had a very successful last few days.
May 3, 2021 - This year once again, Telus is holding its Annual General Meeting virtually, via live audio webcast on Friday, May 7 at 8:30 am, Pacific Time. President Donna Hokiro will be attending the AGM to represent members of Local 1944.
How to vote
If you are a Telus employee share plan holder, you will receive by mail or email your notice and voting materials form from Computershare.
You are able to vote your shares, or appoint someone else for the vote:
April 8, 2021 - We only have 22 days left until the end of RealityCheck, the Union’s version of Telus’ PulseCheck. The more members that fill out the survey, the more irrefutable the results will be, but we need your help to get as many responses as possible!
March 29, 2021 - Your Bargaining Committee has met again to review the language and the issues that matter most to you and your families as expressed in your responses to the bargaining survey. In addition, the Bargaining Committee is reviewing all provisions of the Collective Agreement as we continue tobuild proposals and ultimately a comprehensive package that brings your voice to the table.