
October 23, 2023

 Brothers and Sisters,

 Today marks the end of the 21-day cooling-off period.

 At any moment now, a 72-hour strike or lockout notice could be issued by either party.

 Unit 60 members will recall that in 2018, as you sorted through giant company-issued Ziploc bags full of tools at our respective reporting stations, a tentative agreement was reached as the clock ran out on the conciliation process.

Tuesday October 17, 2023

Brothers and Sisters,

On Thursday, October 12th, members of your Unit 60 Executive Board lit up the Rogers Tower at Metrotown.  A clear message was displayed for all to see telling Rogers we want careers, not contractors!  More job security, not less!

Steelworkers vote 99.6% to strike at Rogers Communications

In the heart of Philadelphia, a landmark event unfolded as thousands of dedicated union leaders from across the globe congregated for the 6th UNI Global Union World Congress. The United Steelworkers sent a small delegation of only seven people from the entire organization and our President, Donna Hokiro was thrilled to be included in the delegation represented USW Local 1944. We were honoured to be part of this prestigious gathering that marked a pivotal moment in the global labour movement.

Labour Day offers us the chance to applaud the remarkable achievements of Canadian workers, to recognize the invaluable contributions of labour towards forging a brighter nation. Think of the five-day work week, pensions, employment insurance, parental leave, and occupational health and safety standards – all fruits of labour's labour!

Unions, our driving force, persist in securing equitable wages, benefits, and working conditions. These form the cornerstone of a just and thriving Canadian society.

Rogers Vancouver and Surrey Update #7 - July 21, 2023

Once again this year, the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) will host students from across BC at their Winter School at Harrison Hot Springs from January 15 to 20, 2023.

Once again this year, the Alberta Federation of Labour (AFL), in partnership with the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC), will be hosting students from across Alberta at their Winter School at Jasper Park Lodge from January 9-13, 2023. USW Local 1944 calls for members to submit applications to attend, from which only a few will be selected. 

Several exciting topics will be discussed, such as Collective Bargaining, Conflict Management, Labour History, Standing in Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples and more.

Every year on April 28, we recognize the National Day of Mourning across Canada. This day is dedicated to remembering and honouring those who have lost their lives, or suffered injury or illness on the job. This year it hits especially close to our Local. It will have been 16 days since we lost our Brother Keith Murphy to a fatal workplace accident.

January 14, 2022 - After almost two years of waiting, Arbitrator Sims has delivered his much-anticipated decision on Shaw’s use of the Automation clause rather than the Lay-Off clause of the collective agreement when laying off the 54 Technical Field Representatives.