Shaw Negotiations Update #17 - Bat Light

Tuesday October 17, 2023

Brothers and Sisters,

On Thursday, October 12th, members of your Unit 60 Executive Board lit up the Rogers Tower at Metrotown.  A clear message was displayed for all to see telling Rogers we want careers, not contractors!  More job security, not less!

Your Bargaining Committee and the Company will be meeting along with our assigned federal mediator this week on Wednesday and Thursday, the 18th and 19th.

Unit 60’s Executive Board and the members of your Bargaining Committee want to thank you again for your solidarity.  Your support so far has been fantastic, and we will be relying on you soon to show our strength as the 21-day cooling off period comes to an end. 

Stay tuned for updates here and pay particular attention to your CAT Teams.

In solidarity,

 Jayson, Steve, Andy, Walace, Stacey, Curtis, and Corey