
Your Bargaining Committee resumed negotiations with the Company today. It is our goal to continue to meet with the company to ensure we get the best deal possible and address the priorities that matter to YOU.
When the Company chose to bargain directly with YOU last week by emailing you a summary of their offer on the same day they presented it to your Bargaining Committee, they were attempting to undermine your Union. They felt that they had the ‘pulse’ of the Members and that you’d buy what they were selling.
Today your Bargaining Committee met with Telus CEO Darren Entwistle, and we were joined by USW District 3 Director, Scott Lunny. We brought your voice to the table. We delivered your dissatisfaction with the current offer and have managed to push Telus off some smaller concessions. While the conversation with Darren Entwistle was respectful, Telus nonetheless followed the same pattern, making small moves on monetary offers to distract from the real issues.
Avec une forte majorité de membres inscrits pour voter, vous avez donné à votre Comité de négociation un vote de mandat de grève énorme à 97% !
With a strong majority of members registering to vote, you’ve given your Bargaining Committee a massive 97% Strike Mandate Vote!
Your Bargaining Committee is committed to transparency. That is why we have chosen to briefly suspend bargaining and have advised Telus that we are taking the next steps to meet with our members. Your Bargaining Committee believes it has reached a point in negotiations that we feel it is incumbent upon us to talk directly with you, and to seek from you a clear and decisive Strike Mandate Vote that will show Telus we are not backing down!

The Telus AGM showcased its financial success last Friday and Darren Entwistle, the highest paid telecommunications CEO in Canada, said that “Telus is about better human outcomes” and “...at Telus, there is a culture of caring.”

As members throughout our Union #RiseUP to show Telus we need an improved Collective Agreement, there’s now a new way to show your solidarity with your coworkers across the country: Sign the #RiseUP Flag!

Every year on April 28, we recognize the National Day of Mourning across Canada. This day is dedicated to remembering and honouring those who have lost their lives, or suffered injury or illness on the job. This year it hits especially close to our Local. It will have been 16 days since we lost our Brother Keith Murphy to a fatal workplace accident.

Local Union 1944 is heartbroken to announce the death of Brother Keith Murphy, who was killed on the job in a workplace accident in the early hours of April 12, 2022.
Brother Murphy has worked as an Access Technician for Telus since 2015 and hailed out of Unit 4 in the Kootenay region of Eastern British Columbia.