British Columbia

The prosperity of Canada’s economy is founded upon good, stable, Union jobs. With that in mind, USW Local 1944 expresses its deep disappointment that Telus, while professing that they ‘Give Where They Live’, has announced that it is offering nearly 2,000 Voluntary Severance Packages and Early Retirement Incentive Packages to Local 1944 members across the country.
One of the greatest benefits of unionization is our collective ability to hold the employer accountable. Not only does Local 1944 fight hard at the bargaining table, we also engage in a vigorous defense of our members on many other fronts. Most recently, the Union has been able to achieve settlements from the Company via the grievance and arbitration process. Here is a summary of some of our recent wins:
In this issue… - We highlight the momentum and solidarity that we have created during bargaining - We take a moment to celebrate our successes and breakdown the several advancements you helped your bargaining committee secure

Hello Members,

By working relentlessly since launching our #RiseUP campaign, we’ve made many gains for our members and our families, including:

We Gained:
✅ Pay provisions for employees absent from duty now applies to all members
✅ A standardized Union introduction for all members
✅ Domestic Violence Leave
✅ Increases, long overdue, to per diem rates, boot allowances, and premiums
✅ Enhanced Technological Change Protection
✅ Language allowing our stewards to participate in Investigative Meetings

Please find our Strike Vote Handout and Strike FAQ. Strike Vote Handout Strike FAQ Also, check out our video of practice pickets across the nation.
USW Local 1944 is ready and waiting to reopen negotiations with Telus to conclude a fair Collective Agreement. If you are already aware of our position on the issues you can see that we are not asking for anything outrageous: wages that account for the increasing cost of living, some improvements of little cost to Telus, and we’re seeking that Telus drop further concessions to health benefits, pension and other items, which are wholly unnecessary given Telus’ present financial success.
Despite repeated attempts, Telus has persistently declined to resume negotiations, leaving us with no alternative but to take decisive action. Your Bargaining Committee is therefore seeking your support in a call to STRIKE, if a negotiated agreement cannot be reached.
The USW will be holding its 55th National Policy Conference at the Sheraton Centre in Toronto, Ontario, on April 24 – 28, 2023. The Conference will start with registration on Sunday, April 23 and continue until Friday, April 28.
Today the USW Canadian National Office launched a campaign for the public and members alike to send letters to Parliament calling for political leaders to urge Telus back to the bargaining table.
As mentioned in Bargaining Update #33, Local 1944 is ramping up our activities and campaigns across the country throughout February seeking to conclude a fair Agreement for you, and so we decided to lead off with a video recapping how far we’ve come as a membership in the past year. Take a look: