Celebrating Our Wins

Dear Members,

One of the greatest benefits of unionization is our collective ability to hold the employer accountable. Not only does Local 1944 fight hard at the bargaining table, we also engage in a vigorous defense of our members on many other fronts.

Most recently, the Union has been able to achieve settlements from the Company via the grievance and arbitration process. Here is a summary of some of our recent wins:


Mid-2021, the COLA clause in our collective agreement was activated due to rising inflation. Despite the financial crunch felt by our membership, the Company refused to provide increases to certain members at the top of their wage range, notwithstanding the language surrounding this issue. This unequal application of the collective agreement showed a clear divide between how the Company values members in the east versus the west. Through the grievance process, the Union was able to push the Company back from their original position, and into compliance with the common sense interpretation of the language. As a result of hard bargaining, the Union was able to secure this win, which will benefit roughly 350 members. The average payout will be approximately $650 per member affected, varying based on wage rate, overtime worked, and other factors. In total, over a quarter of a million dollars will be put back in the hands of our members, who also will see a compounding benefit long into the future.

Discipline Removal

In 2021, the Union launched a program focused on the removal of old discipline, a right enshrined in the collective agreement. In order to help facilitate these requests, the Union developed a template letter which members could sign digitally. Union staff would then forward these requests to the Company on behalf of the member. Initially, the Company refused to accept these requests as valid, demanding that our members send the email themselves. The Union found this position absurd, and promptly filed a policy grievance. We are pleased to announce that we have reached a settlement with the employer that will have all such requests recognized as valid. Further, the Bargaining Committee has been able to achieve the automatic removal of old discipline in the incoming collective agreement, eliminating the need for direct member involvement moving forward.

Internet Subsidy

Mere weeks before arbitration, the Union was able to settle a grievance related to the internet subsidy provided by the Company to AHA agents. The grievor, who didn’t have access to company systems, was unable to submit the required documentation. The Company denied several months of subsidy on that basis. Once access was restored, the member submitted the required documentation. While the Company continues to contend that they have the right to deny late submissions, the Union was able to move the Company to settlement on this case. In the end, the member was reimbursed in full for their eligible internet expenses.

These wins are just a small sample of the work your Union is doing to protect our membership. Never forget that your involvement is central to our success. The more grievances that are filed, the better equipped the Union is to push back against unfair practices and policies, and the less the Company can pretend that these issues do not exist.

If you believe you have been treated unfairly at work, reach out to a Shop Steward for assistance.

In Solidarity,

USW Local 1944