Taking our Fight to the Top

Taking our Fight to the Top and Urging Government Action to Protect Canadian Jobs - June 9 2023

Dear Members,

In a powerful display of determination and unity, USW Local 1944 is stepping up its efforts to protect Canadian jobs and confront the alarming erosion of our collective bargaining unit. In a partnership with the USW Canadian National Office, Local 1944 is taking the fight directly to the most powerful person in the country, Prime Minister Trudeau.

Drawing inspiration from our National Director Marty Warren’s earlier letter to Prime Minister Trudeau on March 30th, Brother Warren and Local President Hokiro are sounding the alarm, co-writing a no-holds-barred letter to Trudeau, aiming to safeguard the interests of our members and refusing to tolerate the continued loss of Canadian jobs. Enough is enough!

The letter emphasizes the importance of putting the needs of workers, their communities, and everyday Canadians ahead of the desires of a select group of elite corporate CEOs. It highlights the potential loss of thousands of valuable Canadian jobs and calls for an open procurement process with robust standards to benefit Canadian workers before government contracts are granted to corporations. Additionally, it stresses the need for a meeting with Prime Minister Trudeau to address our concerns at the highest level and initiate a thorough investigation into the situation. It is imperative to implement policies that ensure Canadians remain employed in their communities and safeguard their employment, as we cannot bear the burden of losing Canadian jobs any longer. The burden of job losses must no longer be shouldered by Canadians.

We are acutely aware that the fight for Canadian jobs extends beyond individual companies and carries significant implications for our economy and workers' livelihoods. As we recognize the urgency of government intervention, we stand united behind our leaders in our unwavering commitment to protect our members' interests.

The resolute stance of USW Local 1944 and the backing of National Director Marty Warren serve as a rallying cry for all Union members across the country. Our united front demonstrates that the fight for workers' rights and job security is a priority.

With the unwavering support of the United Steelworkers, we are harnessing the collective power of our Union to protect Canadian jobs and secure a brighter future for workers across the nation.

In Solidarity,

USW Local 1944