British Columbia

April 10, 2018 - In 2018, Equal Pay Day is on April 10, the 99th day of the year, because it took an average 99 more days for Canadian women to earn what men earned in 2017.

In 2018, Canadian women still earn 30% less than men. The gender wage gap is even greater for women of color (over 35%) and Aboriginal women (over 40%).

However, Canadian women are as well or more educated than men, women's work is undervalued and the gender wage gap persists.

April 4, 2018 - Seven more members from Local 1944 will be attending the prestigious USW's Leadership Development Scholarship four-year program in 2018.

Participants are selected based on their activism, interest, and commitment within our Local and their communities.

The program provides our members with the opportunity for specialized activist training in a classroom of rank and file Steelworkers from various workplaces across North America, where they will learn with and from fellow USW members.

April 3, 2018 - The election of the USW Local 1944 Local Union Officers and Unit Officials 2018 will be held on Thursday, April 19, 2018.

The list of nominations can be viewed here.

USW Local 1944 members are encouraged to participate in the election process.

Members will vote by electronic balloting via the internet at or by telephone at 1-866-949-4979.

March 23, 2018 - Last Thursday, our Local Union Delegated Meeting (LUDM) started with a rally around the Shaw Communications headquarters in Vancouver, to show support for our Shaw Unit 60 members as they are negotiating a new contract.

Three buses filled with USW Local 1944 delegates, staff and guests gathered at 9:00 am, marching and chanting.

"If Shaw does not agree to negotiate a fair contract for our members, they have no idea what we have ready for them," said Lee Riggs, National President of the USW Local 1944. "We know that it takes more than one million Freedom Mobile customers to pay the top 5 Shaw executive salaries. In the face of such outrageous social inequality, we have never been so united. We've got Unit 60's backs for this round of bargaining."

March 22, 2018 - Our Local Union Delegated Meeting (LUDM) continued yesterday in Burnaby.

The day started with a report from our Secretary-Treasurer Michael Phillips, explaining the cost-saving measures and investment strategies that were implemented over the previous year.

Delegates heard speeches from the nominees for TWPP Pension trustees, Czar Loquia (from Unit 10) and Candace Knoll (from Unit 51).

The report from the Executive Board commenced following the TWPP Pension trustees' speeches.

March 21, 2018 - Our Local Union Delegated Meeting (LUDM) started yesterday in Burnaby, British Columbia, with 170 delegates, guests and staff in attendance.

The LUDM is being held at the Hilton Vancouver Metrotown Hotel, from March 20 to March 22, 2018.

After an address from the Tsleil-Waututh Nation spokesperson Carleen Thomas, the day started with opening remarks from our National President Lee Riggs, calling for unity, especially with the collective bargaining with Shaw and Telus in the months to come.

March 15, 2018 - Today, we have received correspondence from USW International President Leo W. Gerard that new By-Laws for USW Local 1944 have been established, effective immediately, replacing all previously approved By-Laws and Policies for Local 1944.

March 8, 2018 - On March 8th, International Women's Day celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women, and encourages everyone to take action against the remaining barriers that impede gender equality.

With the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms providing for gender equality, our country has made huge advances regarding gender equity in several areas, such as education and workforce participation, but many challenges remain: too few women undertake leadership roles and, women are still under-represented in politics.

February 22, 2018 - On February 28th, 2018, we celebrate Pink Shirt Day, a day that aims to raise awareness of the bullying issue and raise funds to support anti-bullying programs.

This year, Pink Shirt Day focusses on the theme of cyberbullying: the internet can be a place for kindness, and we all can be active in stopping the spread of bullying online. #NiceNeedsNoFilter.

Bullying is well known to happen at school, but it also occurs in the workplace. It affects people physically, emotionally and mentally, and can cause anxiety, low self-esteem, or depression. Bullying can be compared to harassment in the way that it involves cruel, offensive and insulting behaviours towards a person.

February 13, 2018 - On February 14th, Women's Memorial Marches shall be held in various cities across Canada to commemorate the lives of missing and murdered Indigenous women.

This annual event originated in 1991 in Vancouver, as a day to remember and to honour those women. These marches represent an opportunity for communities to come together, remember our lost sisters, and dedicate ourselves to justice.

Since the 1980's, in Canada, more than 1,000 Indigenous women have either gone missing or been murdered.