
November 27 - The election for your bargaining committee has taken place and the votes counted. As previously communicated, we announced that you, the Telus members, would be an integral part in the selection of your committee in a brand new way. One member – one vote. You the members would decide collectively. We made sure that each province and each classification would be fairly represented, based on the applicable number of members in any one province. In doing so, we designed the ‘silo’ approach.

November 23, 2020 - Please see the attached list of acclaimed or elected USW Local 1944 – Telus Bargaining Committee members, and acclaimed or elected Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the 2021 Local Union Delegated Meeting. All results attached have been ratified by Local 1944 Administrator Omero Landi, with the exception of the four tied Delegate positions listed. For these positions, Brother Landi will conduct a witnessed draw of names to determine those elected, and the candidates affected will be notified.

November 19, 2020 - Tomorrow, Friday, November 20th, 2020, members will be electing the Local Union Delegated Meeting Delegates and USW Local 1944 – Telus Bargaining Committee members. Members working at Telus will also have the opportunity to complete the USW Local 1944 – Telus Bargaining Survey electronically after voting.

The vote will be occurring between the hours of 6:00 am and 6:00 pm (Pacific Time).

This will be a secret ballot electronic vote and your vote will remain confidential.

November 17, 2020 - Over the past couple weeks, USW Local 1944 members should have received a package in the mail containing voting instructions and a unique PIN for the upcoming Election of Local Union Delegated Meeting Delegates and USW Local 1944 – Telus Bargaining Committee members on November 20.

November 10, 2020 - The deadline for acceptance or decline of nominations for LUDM Delegate or USW Local 1944 – Telus Bargaining Committee members has passed and we have heard from all nominees. Some positions will proceed with balloting on November 20, while other positions have had candidates already acclaimed, pending approval of the final election results.
November 3, 2020 - Units are able to pass resolutions that they want to be considered at the Local Union Delegated Meeting, which is being held March 16-18, 2021. For a Unit to pass a resolution to the LUDM, a member of the Unit must propose the resolution at their Q4 Unit Meeting being held in either November or December, it must be in a correct format, and the Unit Meeting must approve it by majority vote. To be clear, your November or December Unit meeting is the only Unit Meeting at which such a resolution may still be passed prior to the submission deadline.

November 3, 2020 - To help close the gap created by the pandemic, the United Steelworkers are hosting our first-ever virtual conference on Tuesday, November 17 and Wednesday, November 18, 2020. This conference, open to all Steelworkers, will consist of nearly 100 different training sessions that will provide members with practical knowledge to take back to their workplaces. 

The conference is structured around 10 themes:

October 30, 2020 - As the Executive Board met by Zoom videoconference in mid-October, Board members received Officer and Committee reports and approved the amalgamation of Units 1, 5 and 7 into a new Unit 7. Sister Brooke Downey stepped down from her positions as REO Ontario and Chair of the Civil and Human Rights Committee; the Local Union is thankful for her fierce activism and dedication to the membership.

October 28, 2020 - The Women of Steel Committee has been working on a series of four Special Publications addressing common mental health issues, including burnout. We are releasing one publication each month. All four publications are inter-linked.