February 17, 2017 - It has been brought to the attention of the TWU, USW National Local 1944 Health and Safety Committee that Telus has introduced a health and safety initiative (training and forms) referred to as the Job Assessment Risk Review program (JARR).
This program is being introduced to all plant positions in I&R, CR, Construction, and Inside Build. This program has not been consulted on with the Policy Committee as is a requirement of the Canada Labour Code 125(1) (Z.03).
This form and course attempts to shift the duty of the employer onto the employees. This duty is with regards to hazard assessment under Canadian Occupational Health and Safety Regulations Part XIX (19.2-19.8).
The TWU, USW National Local 1944 Health and Safety Committee is asking that every member who is asked to take the course, and to fill out these forms, advise the manager that this program has not consulted with the Telus National Health and Safety Policy Committee, which is a contravention on the Canada Labour Code.
The union advises members to refrain from signing any documents or training in regards to this safety program until it has been properly consulted on and introduced by the Telus Health and Safety Policy Committee, as this program may change your safety rights as a worker.
The TWU, USW National Local 1944 Health and Safety Committee will notify you when this process has been completed.
In solidarity,
The Telecommunications Workers Union, United Steelworkers National Local 1944