October 26, 2017 - This is a reminder to all members that the deadline for resolutions to the Local Annual Delegated Meeting is approaching earlier than usual this year.
USW Local 1944 Policy 3.14 states: “The cut-off date for recommendations to Committees from Units shall be one hundred and twenty (120) calendar days prior to the following Local Annual Delegated Meeting.”
As our next Local Annual Delegated meeting is scheduled for March 20th to 22nd, 2018, any resolutions to Local 1944 committees must be received at the USW Local 1944 Burnaby office by November 20, 2017.
Resolution forms can be found at the following address: www.usw1944.ca/sites/default/files/ResolutiontoConventionEF.docx
And resolutions that have been approved at a Unit meeting should be emailed to:
In Solidarity,
The Telecommunications Workers Union, United Steelworkers National Local 1944