Commemorating the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls on October 4th

October 4, 2017 - October 4th is a day of remembrance of the missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls (hereafter MMIWG) and those who continue to be taken away from their families across Canada.

“On October 4th and throughout the year, we stand in solidarity with families and friends of the hundreds of missing and murdered Indigenous women and girls,” says Lee Riggs, National President of USW Local 1944. “Women and girls of any race or religion deserve to live in safety and with dignity.”

A governmental action implemented last year gives a hint of hope, through the National Inquiry on MMIWG that aims at addressing this national tragedy and making recommendations to end the violence.

Steelworkers take action
This October 4th, hundreds of Steelworkers will be in Vancouver at our National Health, Safety, Environment, and Human Rights Conference, during which we will remember and honour missing and murdered Indigenous women.

The USW has set aside funds to support Steelworkers who have lost loved ones and who want to attend or testify at a hearing. For more information about financial support contact Carolyn Szilva, or (705) 207-8515.

Ken Neumann’s open letter to the Prime Minister:

For further information and action
- Participate in the National Inquiry into MMIWG:
- CBC News investigates into the 34 unsolved cases of MMIGW:
- The REDress Project sets up an art installation focusing on the gendered and racialized nature of violent crimes against Aboriginal:
- Walking with our Sisters tours an art installation in Canada to honour the lives of the MMIWG: 
- Take the pledge to end violence with Amnesty International:
- The Families of Sisters in Spirit Vigils and Native Women’s Association of Canadaorganize vigils on October 4th to raise awareness and honour the memory of the MMIWG:

In Solidarity,

United Steelworkers Local 1944