2017 Local Annual Delegated Meeting - Day 4

June 2, 2017 - Our Local Annual Delegate Meeting (LADM) continued yesterday with USW District 6 Director Marty Warren joining us.

The day started with a report from the Health & Safety Committee. The committee highlighted the “Hang Up On Abuse” campaign. 

LADM delegates also heard from the Finance Committee and Bylaws Committee.

Our brother, the Honourable Shaye Anderson, Minister of Municipal Affairs for the Government of Alberta, addressed delegates, sharing his experience in office since elected as part of Premier Rachel Notley’s NDP government in 2015. Also joining us was Michael Connolly, MLA for Calgary-Hawkwood.

There was also a report regarding the TWU-USW Employee Life and Health Plan and the LTD and Pension Trustees’ Report. 

After the LADM adjourned for the day, delegates attended the Concert Properties Social and participated in a special presentation of Packingtown. During the evening, National President Lee Riggs debuted a video recognizing the efforts of our Local to assist Fort McMurray members who were devastated by the wildfires last May.

This year’s Concert Properties Social was a special one as it marked the last official event for Concert Properties President and Chief Executive Officer, David R. Podmore. A few weeks ago, David announced that after 24 years of serving as Concert Properties President and CEO he was retiring from the position. USW Local 1944 looks forward to working with Brian McCauley who will assume David’s responsibilities. David will continue as Chair of CREC, Concert Properties Ltd., and the CREC Commercial Fund Investment Committee, as well as continuing as Chair and Chief Executive Officer of Concert Infrastructure Ltd.

Packingtown is a live music and video performance sharing the vibrant people’s history of North Edmonton through original songs and video interviews with people who worked at the meatpacking plants and lived in the community during the height of the meatpacking industry there.

Be sure to follow Facebook and Twitter for more updates from our Local Annual Delegated Meeting!

In Solidarity, 

United Steelworkers Local 1944