April 26, 2018 - International Labour Day will be celebrated in Montréal on Saturday, April 28, 2018, a date that coincides with the National Day of Mourning. This year, the march for International Labour Day will focus on the 5 following demands:
- $15 minimum wage;
- Reinvesting in public services and social programs and implementing concrete measures to put an end to work overload;
- Finding work-family-study balance;
- Fighting against tax havens;
- Enabling a fair environmental transition for workers.
The march will start at 1:00 pm from the Olympic Park (corner Pierre-De Coubertin and Pie-IX / Pie-IX Metro Station). View the list of transportation options for your area. Transportation is free, but registration is mandatory; you can register online here.
USW Local 1944 invites our members in Québec to take part in this national protest. Make your voice be heard on the defense of workers' rights, and honour those who have died or have been injured at work.
Occupational deaths or accidents in Québec
In 2016 in Québec, 90,414 occupational injuries were reported, including 8,235 occupational diseases and 82,179 occupational accidents (225 per day).
That year, 137 occupational deaths out of a total of 217 occurred as results of occupational diseases and 80 because of industrial accidents.
These statistics can only take into account the accidents that were declared and validated by the Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST). The CNESST is responsible for both health and safety at work and compensation for workers in the province of Québec.
To learn more about your rights and obligations, or to make a claim related to an occupational accident, please visit the CNESST web site: http://1944.fyi/jl8tQq.
In Solidarity,
USW Local 1944