
March 2, 2017 - The Telus-TWU, USW National Local 1944 Collective agreement 2016-2021 is now available online.

February 28, 2017 - The TWU, USW Local 1944 is saddened to announce that former Business Agent Chris Andersen has recently passed away. 

February 24, 2017 - The Union has learned members are being instructed and pressured by Telus management to complete the Job Assessment Risk Review (JARR) training and forms on an ongoing basis.

February 17, 2017 - It has been brought to the attention of the TWU, USW National Local 1944 Health and Safety Committee that Telus has introduced a health and safety initiative (training and forms) referred to as the Job Assessment Risk Review program (JARR).

February 6, 2017 - Each year our members are asked to provide feedback and comments in the Telus annual employee engagement survey called Pulsecheck.

February 2, 2017 - Diversity, tolerance, and equality for all are some of the fundamental principles of Canada.

January 16, 2017 - Since electing Donald Trump as president of the USA, and a Republican majority to both the Senate and the House of Representatives, many individuals the world over are feeling fearful and unsure of the future.

January 10, 2017 - The Jefferson Awards Foundation is the longest standing and most prestigious organization dedicated to activating and celebrating public service.

December 22, 2016 - 2016 is coming to an end after a long and busy time for our national local.