President’s Messages

I can tell you personally that I’m blown away at how helpful your feedback about the Union is, and myself and senior Local leadership are going to be referring to it often when strategizing how to improve the Local.
Hello members, Please watch this message from President Michael Phillips.
Please watch this message from President Michael Phillips.
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! USW Local 1944 adds its voice to the growing chorus of labour organizations, faith communities, advocacy groups, and activists working tirelessly to end the campaign of ethnic cleansing in Palestine.
We are happy to announce that the Union has come to an agreement with the Company that anyone who “volunteered” to work this day will, in fact, be paid the premium for the basic hours worked.

November 17, 2021 - Hello Members,

September 9, 2021 - It is with immense sadness and a broken heart that I inform you that USW Local Representative Joe Benn passed away just a short time ago. His sister Sue held him tight as he left us behind. Having suffered a catastrophic stroke in the early morning last Saturday September 4th, and having no chance of recovery, Joe has now been taken off life support.

August 19, 2021 - As you may know, at this time, there are more than 260 active fires throughout British Columbia, and 31 are considered wildfires of concern. Thousands of people are under evacuation orders, and even more are under evacuation alert, and must be ready to evacuate at any time.
April 15, 2021 - There is an understandable amount of worry around vaccine distribution and who should get priority over others. I don’t think anyone would disagree that our elder population, and the most vulnerable amongst us should be first. Included in those that are most vulnerable are also those most at risk for contracting the virus.

March 12, 2021 - If you have been trained to take appointments for the vaccination clinics and are inside the bargaining unit, you DO NOT have to do unpaid work, including system start-up, prior to the start of your shift. No discipline will be forthcoming if you refuse.

January 22, 2021 - Thank you everyone for exercising patience as I try to work through the Holiday coding issues with Telus (see previous Acting President’s Message here). They are firm in their position that they made an honest mistake and that they corrected that mistake by applying the language of the collective agreement.