Robert Reich will be addressing the AFL Midterm 2018

April 22, 2018 - The Alberta Federation of Labour is holding its Midterm 2018, on the theme "Forward, Not Back. How Alberta unions can make a difference in the next election".

The 2019 election will be a pivotal one for Albertans and it arises many questions. Will the province continue to support our vital public services? Will it diversify the economy? Will it continue to support policies aimed at helping working families? The stakes are high for working people.

In this context, the conference will feature a keynote address by former United States Secretary of Labor Robert Reich, on Friday, May 4, 2018, from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm.

A well-known economic analyst and a New York Times best-selling author, Robert Reich's keynote address will tackle the theme "Saving Capitalism - Income Inequality and Populism" and refer to his most recent books, "Economics in Wonderland" and "The Common Good".

Robert Reich's presentation is part of the Midterm registration; however, our members benefit from a special price at $25. Please contact Scott Lunny at to secure a ticket.

For more information, please visit the AFL web site.

USW Local 1944 encourages our members in Alberta to attend the AFL Midterm 2018 to learn about how they can be part of the pre-election campaign. You can be active in keeping Alberta moving forward towards a progressive, worker-friendly future.

In Solidarity,

USW Local 1944
