February 20, 2017 - On February 22 members are encouraged to wear pink as part of the pink shirt day campaign, to take a stand against bullying.
This anti-bullying campaign primarily focuses on the bullying that happens both in the school yard and on social media, but many of our members also experience bullying in the workplace. Recently USW launched the HangUpOnAbuse campaign to shed light on the experiences of our call center workers who are frequently forced to deal with abusive phone calls.
“It’s important to support anyone who is being victimized by bullying,” said USW 1944 National President Lee Riggs. “It is the duty of all of us to ensure that our members are safe in the workplace and to bring awareness to bullying.”
Bullying takes many forms including ostracizing, name calling, rumour spreading, intimidation, physical abuse, and cyber bullying. It erodes the self-esteem of its victims and is a societal stain. It is important to bring awareness to the issue of bullying and to show solidarity and support for those who have been victimized by it. You can help, not only by wearing pink on Wednesday, but you can also donate, and make the #PinkShirtPromise.
Please send us photos of you and your co-workers who are wearing pink on Pink Shirt Day in the workplace by emailing them to photos@usw1944.ca.
In solidarity,
The Telecommunications Workers Union, United Steelworkers National Local 1944