Rogers Vancouver and Surrey Bargaining Update #19

Brothers & Sisters

Due to the untenable nature of the Employer’s position yesterday morning, your Negotiating Team issued a 72-hour Notice for an Overtime Ban.  

After careful consideration, your committee decisively responded by commencing utilization of the 99.6% Strike Mandate the membership asserted in mid-September. Unit 60 members will display their determination by collectively applying pressure to the service and installation calendars while additionally introducing complexity to management’s ability to effectively respond to cuts and outages. Your committee does not take this decision, or any future actions, lightly.

The Company’s position:

  •    Contractors doing service work with a formula that will increase their usage.
  •    Contractors performing service and installs on FTTP.
  •    Contractors performing hot plant maintenance.
  •    Wage increases far below levels of inflation.

 The Union’s position:

  •    Protecting service work jurisdiction for installers.
  •    Maintaining FTTP exclusivity for USW members.
  •    Protecting hot plant jurisdiction.
  •    Fair wage increases and protection against inflation.

The articles referenced in the official job action notice to Rogers and the Federal Government:

(a) Any time worked in excess of the scheduled hours in a day or in the regular work week shall be considered as overtime. Time worked on any statutory holiday or call-out shall also be considered as overtime.

(a) Application
Overtime occurs only where the daily working hours exceeds eight (8) in one shift or for work performed on the employee's sixth (6th) or seventh (7th) workday in one (1) work week.

 What this means as of Saturday, October 28, at 2:50 PM:

  •    NO work in excess of your scheduled hours in a day.
  •    NO work in excess of your regular work week.
  •    NO work on a statutory holiday.
  •    NO call outs.
  •    NO scheduled overtime.

Your committee is hard at work today preparing for another day at the Table tomorrow, Friday October 27, with Wednesday, November 1, also committed to.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this job action, please forward them through your CAT leader.

In solidarity,

Jayson, Steve, Andy, Wallace, Stacey, Curtis, and Corey