When: Friday, Oct 4, 2019, (All day)

October 4 is the National Day to commemorate Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. In Canada, Indigenous people are twice as likely to be victims of violent assault than non-Indigenous people, especially Indigenous women and girls.

There are many ways by which every one of us can have a positive impact:

- Raise awareness: be informed, get involved, and mobilize. Speak out against violence against Indigenous women, girls and Two Spirit/LGBTQ+peoples.
- Read the USW Summary of the Final Report of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.
- Take the pledge to end violence with Amnesty International.
- Write a letter to your MP to demand action, and hold all governments accountable to implement the Calls for Justice set out in the Final Report, such as: ensuring that Indigenous peoples have access to safe housing, clean drinking water, and adequate food: eliminating discriminatory provisions from the Indian Act; providing accessible healing programs; and ensuring that mining and development projects take into account the safety and security of Indigenous people, as well as their equitable benefit from development.
- Volunteer with a women's shelter or Friendship Centre or make donations such as toiletries and seasonal clothing.
- Follow or help the CBC News investigation into the 34 unsolved cases.
- On October 4, wear red clothes to show support to the families of MMIGW.

Download the poster by Chief Lady Bird Art to honour Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.