
Hello Members, Only public and government pressure will force Telus to become a fair employer.
Telus’ recent out-of-province redeployment for about 150 members and manipulative Work-From-Office announcements for about 1,000 members
Hello members, As you may be well aware, about 150 call centre employees at TELUS are facing a critical moment as TELUS closes offices in Ontario
Dear Members, We have uploaded the new Telus 2023-2027 Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA). It is now accessible online. While we were eager to share both the English and French versions simultaneously, please note that the French copy is still undergoing final translation. Rest assured; we will promptly notify you as soon as it becomes available.

Steelworkers vote 99.6% to strike at Rogers Communications

In the heart of Philadelphia, a landmark event unfolded as thousands of dedicated union leaders from across the globe congregated for the 6th UNI Global Union World Congress. The United Steelworkers sent a small delegation of only seven people from the entire organization and our President, Donna Hokiro was thrilled to be included in the delegation represented USW Local 1944. We were honoured to be part of this prestigious gathering that marked a pivotal moment in the global labour movement.

Labour Day offers us the chance to applaud the remarkable achievements of Canadian workers, to recognize the invaluable contributions of labour towards forging a brighter nation. Think of the five-day work week, pensions, employment insurance, parental leave, and occupational health and safety standards – all fruits of labour's labour!

Unions, our driving force, persist in securing equitable wages, benefits, and working conditions. These form the cornerstone of a just and thriving Canadian society.

By Donna Hokiro, president, Local 1944, United Steelworkers Union By now, many, if not most Canadians are familiar with the ubiquitous ads propagated for so long by telecommunications giant Telus Corp.
Get ready to be part of an empowering and transformative event – the 2023 USW International Women's Conference: "Women of Steel – Know Your Power."
In a powerful display of determination and unity, USW Local 1944 is stepping up its efforts to protect Canadian jobs and confront the alarming erosion of our collective bargaining unit. In a partnership with the USW Canadian National Office, Local 1944 is taking the fight directly to the most powerful person in the country, Prime Minister Trudeau.
Over the last few weeks, Telus has offered more than 4,000 Voluntary Severance Packages (VSPs) to USW Local 1944 members throughout Canada, representing a majority of their Unionized employees. This means that the very money that Canadians pay to Telus for telecom services is being used to pay Canadians to leave their jobs, thereby permanently eliminating good, middle-class, union jobs from this country. #ShameOnTelus