
Hello members, It is with great sadness and outrage that we must report a substantial and unacceptable change to
Hello members, Provincial elections are rapidly approaching for both BC and Saskatchewan.
Hello Members, Get ready to join us for the 2024 District 3 Conference which will be held on October 28-31, 2024

April 9, 2021 - As mentioned previously, the election of USW Local 1944 Local Union Officers and Unit Officials will be held on Thursday, April 22, 2021.

Members will vote by electronic balloting via the internet at or by telephone at 1-877-495-0603.

April 8, 2021 - We only have 22 days left until the end of RealityCheck, the Union’s version of Telus’ PulseCheck. The more members that fill out the survey, the more irrefutable the results will be, but we need your help to get as many responses as possible!

April 6, 2021 - Because all workers deserve to feel safe in their workplace, in the December 2020 issue of the 1944@Work magazine Local 1944 encouraged members to take a national survey on Workplace Violence and Harassment at Work launched by the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC).

March 30, 2021 - As mentioned previously, the election of the USW Local 1944 Local Union Officers and Unit Officials 2021 will be held on Thursday April 22nd, by electronic ballot.

Nominations occurred at Unit Meetings in March, and have been reviewed by the rank-and-file Election Committee (Tellers) to determine eligibility. The official list of nominations can be viewed here.

March 25, 2021 - It is the hard work and skill of telecom workers that make Canada’s telecom companies like Telus, Shaw, Rogers, Bell and others so profitable. Nevertheless, with shifting regulations and technology changes, profitable companies are always trying to cut costs on the backs of hard-working employees.

March 22, 2021 - Several changes to the Local’s team of Local Union Representatives are taking effect this month.

As part of the United Steelworkers’ tradition of hiring Staff Representatives directly from amongst its members and Local Unions’ staff, your Local Union Representative for Quebec Hans-Woosly Balan has accepted a position as a District 5 USW Staff Representative. He will be working for District 5 reporting to Director Dominique Lemieux. His last day as a Local Union Representative for Local 1944 will be March 26th. 

March 16, 2021 - Once again, our latest set of Shop Steward classes filled up within a couple days, and so Local 1944 is excited to announce three new classes in May and June. It’s obvious that members are looking for a way to #RiseUp against the stresses and injustices of our workplaces, and this is inspiring to see.

Please note that you can only sign up for one class, and once you have signed up for one class, you can only change this for another class with the approval of the Union.

March 9, 2021 - On March 5th, 2021, a tentative agreement with Shaw was reached by our Abbotsford bargaining team, who endorsed the agreement and strongly recommended that members support its ratification.