ADT by Telus Bargaining Update #3

June 28, 2022

Bargaining Update #3

We met with the company on June 14th and 15th, 2022, and began the bargaining process with the initial exchange of our non-monetary proposals.

Unfortunately, due to a medical issue on the employer’s committee, the committees will not be able to meet again until August for further negotiations.

We are in the process of reviewing the employer’s first set of documents. The only word we have to describe the employer’s proposals is ‘underwhelming.’ They are trying to position this employer as not sophisticated in the bargaining realm and are proposing a vastly inferior agreement than what we would be prepared to bring to you for consideration. However, we are hopeful that with multiple dates scheduled in August and September, the employer will take this process more seriously and come to the table with fulsome proposals.

We have created a CAT (Communication Action Team) to disseminate information to you as it becomes available and pass feedback from you to your committee. In addition, USW Local 1944 will regularly send updates via email to all Union members for whom we have contact information.Finally, if you are not receiving updates, please reach out to one of the CAT members listed below and provide them with your contact information.

Your CAT Members are:

Kelsey Cronkite
Kemor Brewster
Annika Adams
Junie Galvan
Benat Abrar
Stephen Odetola

We also have a Whatsapp group called A Union for ADT that we recommend you join so that you stay up to date. We are all in this together!

In Solidarity,

Your Bargaining Committee

Blama Kanneh
Helen Young
Isabelle Chayer
Steve McWhirter – Local Union Rep
Steve Durell – Local Union Rep
Tara Cavanagh – USW Staff Rep
