Unit 63 members voted 83.3% in favour of ratifying the collective agreement with Stratcom

March 2, 2020 - On Sunday, February 23, 2020, Unit 63 members from the Stratcom certification attended a ratification meeting in Vancouver, BC.

Results of the ratification vote for the renewal USW Local 1944 Stratcom Collective Agreement have been tabulated and the agreement has been ratified.  It will be signed by the Local Union and the Company and will be effective, upon signing, from December 1, 2019 to November 30, 2022.

Unit 63 members were asked to vote “Yes” or “No” to the question “Are you in favour of ratifying the tentative Collective Agreement reached on February 13, 2020?”  The results of the vote are 83.3% in favour. 

Highlights of the agreement include:

  • 1.25% wage increase in year one, 1.50% in year two and 1.75% in year three
  • Wage increases retroactive to December 1, 2019
  • Employees who work after 11:00 pm, shall receive a taxi chit of up to $18.00
  • All paid rest breaks increase to 20 minutes
  • Paid meal breaks apply to shifts greater than 5 hours and up to 6 hours
  • Paid meal breaks apply to shifts greater than 6 hours and less than 7.5 hours and have an option of taking an optional unpaid 15 minute break
  • Callers wage scale steps decrease from nine to six steps

“After positive negotiations with several other certifications last year, this collective agreement is another success for our Local Union,” said Donna Hokiro, Acting President.  “The changes we continue to make to improve our membership communications and engagement are directly linked to our bargaining successes.  The Local will continue this strong momentum going into future preparation for negotiations with Shaw and Telus.”

We will update the collective agreement with the agreed changes and once both parties review and sign the renewed collective agreement, it will be available for members online under the Workplaces heading, Stratcom. 

In Solidarity,

Your Unit 63 Stratcom Bargaining Committee 

Benny Chou
Al Pasternak
Donna Hokiro - Acting President
Perry Pasqualetto - Local Union Representative
Randy Gatzka - USW Staff Representative
