Creation of the Grievance Committee

August 9, 2019 - Greetings,

I am pleased to announce that we have established a Grievance Committee for Local 1944. The creation of this new Committee is a key component of our overall Strategic Plan that was developed by President Isabelle Miller with the assistance of District 3 Director, Steve Hunt and myself.

Thanks to USW District 3, the new Grievance Committee just completed two days of training on July 30-31, 2019, which the District provided without cost to the Local.

The mandate of the USW Local 1944 Grievance Committee is to support and enhance the Local’s grievance handling. The Committee will review grievances and determine whether they will proceed to arbitration. The Committee will work closely with Local Union Representatives, Unit Counsellors and Shop Stewards, USW Staff Representatives, and/or legal counsel as required. It also administers our new appeals process, monitors grievance and discipline patterns, and reports on its work.

In addition, the Grievance Committee will discuss and recommend what mentoring and training is needed for the Shop Stewards in your Unit. Shop Stewards will be provided with the tools so they are equipped to represent our members as best as possible. 

The Grievance Committee is comprised of the assigned Local Union Representatives, the Local’s Table Officers, the USW Staff Representative assigned to our Local. The members assigned to the Grievance Committee are all experienced leaders and skilled at grievance handling.

Each of the Committee’s members has included thoughts of their own on the Grievance Committee Page of the Local 1944 website to share with each of you what having such a committee means to them.


Ron Wyatt, Administrator