Unit 63 Regular Meeting - Via Zoom
Via Zoom
Call meeting to order
- Roll Call of Officials
- Reading of the minutes of the previous meeting (see attached document)
- Reading of Communications
Nominations to the Unit’s Local Union Delegated Meeting Delegate position, one (1) to be elected.
The Unit is also entitled to one (1) alternate, to be elected in case any elected Delegates are unable to attend LUDM. Alternates will be the runners up from the LUDM Delegate election, in order of vote count, so please nominate enough members for the Delegate election so that a full complement of Delegates and alternates will be elected.
Nominations and elections for various positions – if you want to run for a position listed below but are unable to attend the meeting, email a self- nomination statement to Al Pasternak – greatday180@gmail.com no later than October 2, 2020. Use the format below if you want to run for two positions, send each self-nomination separately.
I, (insert name) am putting my name forward for the position of (insert position) for the 2020-2021 term.
Unit 63 Nominations
Canvass to fill Unit 63 Officials positions:
Positions open:
Vice-Chair 1 (one) and Unit Counsellor 1 (one) 3 year term – 2018-2021 (for remainder of term) This is an appointed position upon agreement of the existing Unit 63 officials.
Expressions of interest are welcome.
Nominations & Elections for other Unit 63 positions – 1 (one) year term
Audit Committee Representative - 2 (two) Members and 2 (two) Alternates
VDLC Representatives – 2 (two) Members and 2 (two) Alternates
BC Fed Delegate – 1 (one) Member and 1 (one) Alternate
Stratcom Nominations 2020-21:
Shop Stewards 4 (four)
Health & Safety Committee – 2 (two) Members and 2 (two) Alternates
Program Sharing Committee Representatives – 3 (three) Members and 3 (three) Alternates
Incentive Committee Representatives 3 (three) members and 3 (three) Alternates
- Report of Officials and/or Officers
- Report of the Local Union Representative
- Report of Counsellors
- Report of Delegates
- Initiation of New Members
- Reports of Committee Representatives
- Unfinished Business
- New Business
Discussion about StratCom’s plans to re-open the office and related health and safety concerns
- Good and Welfare
- Adjournment
If you would like to join this meeting by Zoom web conferencing, please contact the office @ bc.meetingnotice@usw1944.ca to
receive instructions