Unit 250 Regular Meeting - by Zoom
by Zoom - email ab.meetingnotice@usw1944.ca to get the meeting ID
Regular Order of Business
(Note: Units are required to nominate candidates for each of
these Unit Official positions. Election of these Unit Official positions
will take place by electronic ballot on April 23rd.)
Motion to determine how many Unit Counsellor positions the Unit
will nominate and elect.
Nominations to the following Unit Official positions:
Unit Chair (1 to be elected, 3-year term)
Unit Vice-Chair (1 to be elected, 3-year term)
Unit Secretary (1 to be elected, 3-year term)
Unit Counsellor (no less than 1 to be elected, number to be elected
will be determined by the Unit at this meeting, 3-year term.)
(Note: this position is not related to the position of Local
Union Delegated Meeting Delegate).
(Note: Nominations for the following Local Union Executive
Board positions are taking place across multiple Units. Units
are not required to nominate candidates for each of these
positions, but may do so. Election of these Local Union Executive
Board positions will also take place by electronic ballot on
April 23rd.)
Nominations to the following Local Union Executive Board positions:
President (1 to be elected, 3-year term)
Vice-President (1 to be elected,3-year term)
Secretary-Treasurer (1 to be elected, 3-year term)
Regional Executive Officer (Alberta) (1 to be elected, 3-year term)
Trustee (3 to be elected, 3-year term)