
Last week, Telus once again issued some 545 so-called voluntary severance packages to craft members. This group includes outside plant construction, cable repair, NOC, engineering, network operations, IP Core, and Transport. These packages were accompanied with the threat of forced relocation should Telus not receive the desired reduction in the areas they want.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the RealityCheck Survey! Your feedback is incredibly valuable, and we’re excited to begin analyzing the results. The insights you’ve shared will play a crucial role in shaping the future priorities of our Union and ensuring we continue to represent your interests effectively.
The Alberta Federation of Labour is looking forward to welcoming Local 1944 delegates to it's 54th Constitutional Convention. This year’s theme is Pushing the Workers Agenda.

May 5, 2017 - Tomorrow, May 6, is the last day to vote in the advance polls.

We know that this is a vital election for British Columbians because we can’t afford another four years under Christy Clark and the BC Liberals.

May 5, 2017 - Seven more members will be attending the prestigious USW’s Leadership Development Scholarship program this summer.

May 3, 2017 - Voting on election day can be stressful with long lines and wait times, but from May 3 – 6 you can vote in advance, at a location near your home, at your convenience. This is a crucial election and it is of upmost importance that we in the labour movement mobilize to elect a labour friendly government on May 9th. 

It’s time for change in British Columbia. We know that British Columbians deserve better than

May 3, 2017 - Throughout the month of May, we celebrate Asian Heritage Month, where we pay tribute to Asian Canadians and their contributions to Canada’s rich multicultural tapestry.

April 27, 2017 - Every year on April 28th on the National Day of Mourning, Canadians come together to commemorate workers who have lost their lives, suffered injuries, disabilities, and illness, due to work-related incidents.

April 26, 2017 - Christy Clark said: “Leo Gerard who is the head of the Steelworkers, um, and is a Canadian, is standing next to Donald Trump and advising him to shut off softwood jobs here in Canada.

April 24, 2017 - Reminder to all sisters that this upcoming Friday, is the deadline to apply for a spot to attend the District 6 Women’s Conference celebrating the 30th anniversary of Women of Steel.

April 18, 2017 - With less than three weeks to go before election day, we need your help more than ever to push for a better BC and elect the BC NDP on May 9th.