Thank you for participating in the 2021 USW / Telus Bargaining Survey

January 11, 2021 - Hello Members,

Thanks to all of you who completed the 2021 USW / Telus Bargaining Survey. There was massive participation, more than double what we have seen for any other survey conducted in the past several years! In particular, we heard a lot of feedback that members appreciated the depth of questions about your work experience and bargaining priorities, and the many opportunities to provide open-ended feedback.

Two Executive Board members plus a rank and file member are spending last week and this week sifting through all the results, analyzing and summarizing them. Those Board members are Regional Executive Officer Ontario Michelle Ravary, Trustee Ross Brown, and member Louise Banville respectively. They will then be presenting their report to the USW / Telus Bargaining Committee on January 18th, and the Bargaining Committee will meet that entire week.

Thanks again for your participation in letting your Bargaining Committee know what your priorities are. The Bargaining Committee will be depending on your united actions throughout the bargaining process to help us all get a better Collective Agreement.

In Solidarity,

USW Local 1944