Standing Against the WFO Mandate – Your Questions Answered

Hello members, 

In the wake of the unjust Work From Office mandate announced on October 15th, we’ve been gathering your questions to make sure you have the answers you need. Below is a FAQ with responses to what you’ve asked so far. If you don’t see your question here, reach out to your local union rep at 

We know this decision is wrong, and we’re not backing down. Every stone is being turned and every path explored.

When is the Work From Office (WFO) in full effect? 

Following the arbitration decision, Telus has the right to proceed with the Work From Office requirements announced in July. However, the company has not yet re-announced their plans, including specific timelines for implementation.  


Can we appeal the arbitration decision? Are we challenging it? 

The arbitration decision is binding and final. We can only challenge it if we have legal grounds to do so. Once we receive the written reasons for the decision, we will assess our options. 


Is the fight over? 

We will continue to publicize the unreasonableness of Telus’ WFO requirements to media, politicians and the public. However, the arbitration was the Union’s attempt to legally stop these requirements for Customer Experience members in general. We will continue to advocate for WFH on accommodation grounds where reasonable, addressing each case individually. We have succeeded in obtaining an expedited process of having our arbitrator rule on these accommodations prior to members exiting with VSPs if the reason for their exit would be the need to report to the office. 


How long do I have to move? 

Telus has indicated early January as the timeline, but based on previous communications, they may offer flexibility if needed. 


How can I get assistance or reimbursement for moving expenses? 

Please contact your manager to inquire about the process for submitting claims related to moving. 


What if I can't move? Will there be another Voluntary Severance Package (VSP)? 

Telus has indicated that they are continuing to offer VSPs . 


Can I request that severance be transferred to an RRSP to avoid upfront taxes? 

Please contact your manager for information on this option. 


What about workplace accommodation? What types of family status accommodations are valid for working from home? 

Accommodations are handled on a case-by-case basis. Protected grounds include disability, family status and religious grounds. If you have such a valid reason for not attending the workplace, you must apply for accommodation by filling out the required forms and emailing your manager, while CCing the Union at 


Did they make exceptions for members in the Love Where You Live Program? Why not for us?  

Yes, the company granted the few members in the Love Where You Live Program the right to continue to Work From Home. The arbitrator was made aware of this during the arbitration process and yet ruled that Telus’ WFO requirements were legal. He has not yet released his legal reasons, but we’re told they are to be expected soon. 


How will this affect me if I am on Long-Term Disability (LTD)? Where will I return to work if I recover? 

If you recover and do not require accommodation, the same WFO rules will apply to you upon your return. 


If I'm grieving a workplace accommodation denial but feel I must take the VSP, what happens to my grievance? Can I come back if we win? 

Once you accept a VSP, Telus requires you to sign a release of all claims, which effectively ends the grievance process. If you wish to await the grievance outcome, you would need to continue working under a "work now, grieve later" approach. All accommodation grievance denials that the Union considers to be unjust are being grieved, and these grievances are being expedited in a matter of weeks by the arbitrator. 


What if someone falls ill before their departure date? 

If you fall ill, you must follow the current procedures for disability leave. 


If I move to a new role, do I need to reapply for my accommodation? 

Not necessarily. If the core responsibilities of your role remain unchanged, the accommodation should stay in place. However, Telus may request a review of your accommodation. 


Can agents in Montreal choose which office to work from (e.g., Saint Leonard vs. downtown)? 

No, although it is recommended that you discuss location preferences with management in writing, and ensure their response is recorded. 


For further questions or clarifications, please reach out to your Union representative at 

In Solidarity,
USW Local 1944