Return-to-Office Directive, Ontario Office Closure

Hello members,

It is with great sadness and outrage that we must report a substantial and unacceptable change to the At Home Agent program that has been a cornerstone of call centre members' professional lives for the past several years. TELUS and ADT by Telus has announced a return to the office, 3 days a week for most of their Customer Experience employees. When the company needed us to adapt during the COVID-19 pandemic, we stepped up and delivered in class excellence for our customers without hesitation. Now, TELUS is betraying our trust and undermining the progress we have made.

This abrupt decision marks a sharp departure from the efforts TELUS has made over the past few years to close offices and promote remote work. We have proven that working from home not only works but also results in greater work-life balance for our members. Many of us even made significant changes to home life to ensure the continuation of this successful arrangement.

To make matters worse, our members in Ontario have been dealt a devastating blow. On top of the return-to-office directive, they have been informed that there is no office to return to in the province. TELUS has decided to eliminate all call centre offices in Ontario, forcing our members to either relocate to Montreal or accept a so-called 'voluntary' severance package. This illusion of choice, to uproot families and move to another province or face unemployment, is nothing short of disgusting.

We are deeply concerned by TELUS' reckless decision-making, which continually shifts their business model at the expense of our members' well-being. We understand the immense anxiety and uncertainty this brings to you and your families, and we stand with you.

Rest assured, we are exploring all avenues, legal and otherwise, to combat this action. We will not stand by while TELUS disregards the hard work and dedication of our members.

Further updates will be coming soon, and please do not hesitate to reach out to your Local Union Representative with any concerns or questions.

In Solidarity,

USW Local 1944