President Hokiro is awarded the Alberta Federation of Labour 2024 International Women’s Day Award

This past weekend our very own retiring President Donna Hokiro was honoured as the recipient of the 2024 AFL International Women’s Day (IWD) Award, as selected by the Federation’s Executive Council.
Sister Hokiro was nominated for the award by Brother Scott Lunny, USW District 3 Director. In submitting Donna’s name for consideration, Scott commended her contributions to the labour movement, the community, worker and women’s rights and the application of a feminist lens to all her work:
“Donna's commitment to the labour movement spans her tenure at Ed Tel, Alberta Government Telephones (AGT) and Telus since July 1990. Throughout the years, she has advocated for her fellow union members while working in various clerical positions. She has passionately embraced the challenges of advocating for the membership against the telecom giant.
Over the years, Donna has mentored and trained other activists through building power, bargaining training, steward training, parliamentary procedure, arbitrations and grievances. She is a champion of gender equity, working tirelessly to address barriers faced by cis and trans women, advocating for pay equity to narrow the gender wage gap and promoting fairness in compensation and benefits.”
AFL President Gil McGowan and Secretary- Treasurer Karen Kuprys had this to say about Sister Hokiro:
“Congratulations Donna, you are an outstanding champion for fairness, equality and equity, Keep up the outstanding work on behalf of all workers.” 
Sister Hokiro was unable to attend AFL’s Midterm Forum held in Calgary over the weekend to accept the Award in person owing to being in Burnaby at her Local’s headquarters transitioning her presidency to President-elect Michael Phillips.
She is grateful to Sister Kuprys who is accepting the Award on her behalf and sent a video to convey her thanks to the Federation. She said this about being the recipient of this very prestigious award:
“I am grateful to everyone who has shaped my growth and who has provided mentorship to me over the many decades, and I want you to know that as I walk in this world I take you all with me, every day.
But, I want to especially acknowledge and thank the other women/sisters or those who identify, who were also nominated to receive this recognition. I am so very humbled to be thought of and included in such a profound group of women whose strength, tenacity, determination and sheer grit is known to all that meet, know, admire, and love them. Each of you are sisters whom I honour and respect so very much and I share this award with each of you as we are all deserving.”
The International Women’s Day Award was initiated in 1990 to recognize a sister in the labour movement for her outstanding commitment and leadership in the trade union movement and the community. It is given to a trade union activist, leader, or community activist; one who is dedicated to equity and the application of a feminist lens in union and community work.
On behalf of all of us at Local 1944, Congratulations Sister on having been chosen to receive this much deserved recognition and award.
In Solidarity,
USW Local 1944