More Cross-Party support from Parliament for 1944 Members

Hello members,

Earlier today, members of the Federal Liberal Party of Canada’s 416 Liberal Caucus, representing every Liberal constituency in the Greater Toronto Area sent Telus President and CEO Darren Entwistle a message outlining their concerns with his recent plot to eliminate more of your jobs through office closures, forced relocations, and VSPs. This strongly worded message to Darren described how Telus’ recent actions would “…hurt the livelihoods of dedicated employees who have driven the company’s success but also contribute to a troubling race to the bottom, undermining the community's economic foundation.”

Read what Darren received in his inbox here, which arrived on the heels of your victory at the Supreme Court of BC that imposed a temporary injunction on Telus’ plans to harm communities where our members live and work.

This latest letter joins earlier concerns written by other Members of Parliament, specifically MPs Matthew Green and Bonita Zarrillo on behalf of the Federal NDPConservative MPs John Brassard and Doug Shipley from Barrie, as well as Toronto City Councillor Parthi Kandavel.

The fact that this issue has sincere cross-party support shows just how out of touch Darren’s latest scheme to cut Canadian jobs is.

To offer some context, over the past 15 years Telus has enjoyed over $2.7 billion worth of contracts with the federal government alone yet has relentlessly sent thousands upon thousands of good paying Canadian jobs overseas.

We all know how rare it is for our elected officials to agree on anything – yet they’re lining up to condemn Telus’ move to close call centres and force workers out of their jobs. Canadians and government officials alike are waking up to a fact that Telus employees have known for many years: Telus seems to not to have the best interests of Canada in mind.

USW Local 1944 leadership, joined by shop stewards and members across the country, continue to fight for your jobs to remain in the communities that Telus serves and in which you live.

In Solidarity,

USW Local 1944