Installation of Newly Elected Union Officers

Hello members,
We are thrilled to announce that our newly elected Local 1944 officers were installed on May 28th at our head office in Burnaby BC, commencing their three-year terms. This momentous occasion was marked by the presence of our District 3 Director, Scott Lunny, who joined us to witness the transition of leadership within our Local.
Retiring Local Union President Donna Hokiro concluded her tenure with a final act of service by administering the oath of office to our new board members:
Full-time Table Officers
National President: Michael Phillips
National Vice President: Jennifer Turner
National Secretary Treasurer: Ross Brown
Regional Executive Officers (REOs)
British Columbia REO: Neil Marshall
Alberta REO: Richard Blais
Ontario REO: Trevor Haarsma
Quebec REO: Danis Bouffard
Robin Navin
Corey Mandryk
Terika Peters
Local 1944 is deeply grateful to departing President Donna Hokiro and departing Vice-President Pierre-Luc Dick for their many years of service to the Local. Both leaders joined the Executive Board in 2015, and have helped guide the Local with passion and principle ever since, first as Regional Executive Officers and then as Table Officers. Thank you Sister Hokiro and Brother Dick for dedicating these years of your leadership to the betterment of other members lives.  
In solidarity,
USW Local 1944