Injunction and Arbitration Update

Hello Members,

As you are aware we filed an urgent application with the British Columbia Supreme Court seeking an injunction against Telus' return-to-office directive.  

On August 8th, the Court granted our injunction and has currently delayed the Company’s Work From Office and redeployment plans for a period of two months following the selection of an Arbitrator to hear our grievances.  

An Arbitrator was selected on August 20th and the arbitration was held this week, September 16th – 20th, virtually.  

At this time, the arbitration hearings have concluded, but typically an arbitration award (decision) is given some time following adjournment of the arbitration, not on its last day. The Local isn’t expecting a decision for at least a couple of weeks. 

We would like to thank all of our witnesses, and members who sent in their statements about how Telus’ decisions have negatively impacted them and their families.  

We will continue to keep the membership updated throughout the arbitration process.

In Solidarity,
USW Local 1944