Hello Members,

For those of you employed within Customer Experience at Telus who are impacted by the company’s Work From Office plans and were offered Voluntary Severance Packages (VSPs), please be aware that the BC Supreme Court ruled on August 8th that you have the option to reverse your decision to accept a VSP. The reason the Union was asking for this is that we know that some members accepted a VSP because they couldn’t, or didn’t want to, work from the office, and the Union is challenging the legality of the company’s Work From Office plans before an arbitrator.

For members who wish to revoke their decision to terminate their employment and accept a voluntary severance package (VSP), the Union strongly recommends you do so by advising your Manager in writing on or before August 22, 2024.

As well, the Union is very aware of the captive audience meetings that management conducted across the country on Friday afternoon, with only a few hours to go before the deadline to accept a VSP, in which management threatened for the first time that perhaps no VSPs, or minimal VSPs, would be offered if the Union was to lose our grievances regarding the Work From Office plans. The Union considers this conduct to be highly inappropriate and is exploring any and all legal avenues for redress, including a potential legal challenge if Telus were to not re-offer a similar VSP (following a hypothetical arbitration loss) as retaliation for the Union pursuing the grievance process on the Work From Office issue.

Don’t let this company bully you out of your job! If you took the VSP due to company threats, please consider revoking your acceptance as soon as possible by emailing your manager.

We can either change jobs, or change Telus.

In Solidarity,

USW Local 1944