"Elevating Action" on Gender-Based Violence

Dear Members
The Canadian Football Players Association (CFLPA), United Steelworkers (USW), and White Ribbon are joining forces to introduce a groundbreaking program – "Elevating Action." This initiative aims to empower spokespersons from the USW and CFLPA to take the lead in reshaping our culture and combating gender-based violence in both our workplaces and communities.
Key Details:
Partnership: This collaboration represents a shared commitment among our organizations to eliminate gender-based violence and acknowledges the crucial role we all play in being part of the solution.
Program Evolution: "Elevating Action" builds upon the success of previous programs such as "Men Speak Up" and "Be more than a Bystander."
White Ribbon's Mission: White Ribbon, rooted in response to the 1989 Montreal massacre, engages men and boys to prevent gender-based violence through promoting equity and transforming social norms. Their work encompasses gender equality, consent, allyship, healthy relationships, emotional intelligence, safe spaces, and redefining masculinities.
Opportunity for Leaders:
We are seeking CFLPA and USW members interested in spearheading this program, delivering impactful sessions on addressing gender-based violence in our unions, workplaces, and communities.
Training for spokespeople will take place in various cities across Canada in 2024.
The USW Family and Community Education Fund will cover training costs.
Application Details:
To maintain confidentiality, White Ribbon will screen and review applications.
Completed applications should be forwarded to Zoey James, Program Manager, via email at zjames@whiteribbon.ca.
The application deadline for the upcoming training is February 6, 2024
In solidarity,
USW Local 1944