Congratulations to the Photo Contest winners!

September 21, 2020 - Local 1944 created a poster and organized a photo contest to honour all Telecom Workers that allow Canadians to work from home. The contest is now over, and all the votes tallied and our winners are: 

Shelene Campbell from Unit 32
Neil Marshall from Unit 32
Allan Wong from Unit 51 

Congratulations to the 3 photo contest winners:

  • Shelene: For her creativity and mimicking the poster so well, bravo!
  • Neil: We love the way in which you had our poster go everywhere, brilliant.
  • Allan: We enjoyed the many many submissions, thanks for each one of them. And thanks to the little “helpers” you had with the colouring.

They won a $500 Visa gift card each.

Thank you to all who participated and showed creativity to celebrate Telecom Workers. 

Members are encouraged to display the poster available for print here. Remember that you have the right to put Union material in many places, including your Union Board.

Once again, thanks to all Telecom Workers that allow Canadians to work from home!

In Solidarity,

USW Local 1944