September 25, 2020 - The Women of Steel Committee has been working on a series of four Special Publications addressing common mental health issues, including burnout. We are releasing one publication each month. All four publications are inter-linked and ready now if you wish to read ahead for further information.
If you have not yet read the 3rd publication you really should. The publication highlights how employers ought to recognize and act on proven factors that contribute to workplace burnout. One concept that is gaining professional recognition is that employers need to address workplace contributors instead of laying the responsibility for burnout on an employee.
It can no longer be corporately conscionable to drive corporate bottom line gains month over month, year over year, while turning a blind eye to known contributors to workplace burnout.
Pressurization of the workforce to meet newly added, frequently changing, and increasing metrics, keep sick days to a minimum, and have zero non-productive time is taking a toll on our members. Factor in any financial and mental burdens of a pandemic, and you have the recipe for a perfect storm.
Workers should not be thought of as an endless supply of expendable human capital. When working conditions are ignored, that is what workers become, expendable. Employers who value workers, their families and communities need to get on-board with finding a balance between desired bottom lines and the health of workers who deliver the results. Just as corporations strive to build loyalty with their customers, workers wish to build loyalty with employers who do not ignore working conditions that are known to cause illness.
Thus far, our burnout survey is showing an alarming trend. More than half of members whose surveys have been scored are at extreme risk of burnout. Members who are at risk should be seeking professional help.
Please share the survey link with those that you work with and urge your fellow workers to take the survey.
Please click below to read on your preferred device:
Women of Steel Committee Special Publication #3
How burnout could affect you at work? The evolution of burnout from an
individual’s responsibility to now include a responsibility of employers as contributors
Laptop | Smartphone
These communication pieces have been created in the spirit of education and empowerment.
In Solidarity,
Women of Steel USW Local 1944 Committee
Donna Hokiro, Denise Chisholm, Terika Peters, Alina Gherghinoiu, Gigi Wojdyga, Rachel Worley, Sabrina Daniells, and Natasha Aodan