BC Election Day - October 19

Hello members,  

With Election Day fast approaching on October 19th, it’s more important than ever to make an informed decision about which government will best represent your interests.

Polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Election Day, October 19th. You can find your voting location here: Where to Vote.

Your Local appreciates that its members have a wide variety of political opinions, and the most important thing is to express your own voice at the ballot box. But there’s a reason that the USW supports the NDP: a record of solid gains for the middle class.

The United Steelworkers has long recognized that our Union is strengthened when worker-friendly governments are elected, which is one reason why the USW helped create the NDP in 1961.  

Here are some concrete examples of how the BCNDP under David Eby has continued to help working people get ahead:  

  • Card Check Legislation: Protecting workers' right to organize by streamlining the process for forming and joining unions without fear of employer intimidation. 
  • Improvements to Anti-Scab Legislation: In response to holes pointed out by our own Unit 60 from events during the Lockout by Rogers, the Eby government closed loopholes in the BC Anti-Scab Legislation, protecting the sanctity of picket lines, and protecting our rights. 
  • Eliminating Bridge Tolls: Reducing the financial burden on workers who rely on BC’s bridges for daily commutes. 
  • Cutting BC Hydro Rates: BC residents now pay half of what Albertans pay for electricity, thanks to the BCNDP. 
  • Closing Gaps in the Housing Market: Through the Speculation and Vacancy Tax (Empty Home Tax) and other initiatives, the BCNDP has been working hard to tackle housing affordability. 
  • ICBC Rate Cuts: Slashing ICBC rates by $500 per year, freezing them, and delivering $530 in rebates to ICBC customers since 2021. 

The Eby government has proven its commitment to supporting working families, protecting jobs, and increasing affordability. In contrast, John Rustad and many of his team have a record of voting to cut services and opposing key issues for the working class during their time in the BC Liberal government.  

On October 19th, let’s make sure we elect a government that will protect our rights, support our jobs, and ensure that all working people in BC can thrive.  

In Solidarity, 
USW Local 1944