Addressing CEO Darren Entwistle's Request Regarding Mobile Data Use

Hello Members,

The Union is compelled to address a troubling communication from CEO Darren Entwistle that was sent on September 24th.  

Telus is now requesting that our members restrict their mobile data usage to free up network traffic for other customers— another absurd move by an employer with little respect for working people.  

Why This Matters  

Telus’ actions are inconsistent with the spirit of the law as it relates to telecommunications regulation, and may amount to a statutory violation. All customers deserve fair and equal treatment. If Telus is asking their employee clients to manage their usage in a way that is more restrictive than other consumers, this could be seen as discriminatory and should be reported. 

How you can help 

If you are Telus Mobility client, we encourage you to file a complaint with the CRTC. 

You can do so here.  

If you have any questions or need assistance with the complaint process, please reach out to your Local Union Representative.  

We are here to support you and ensure your voice is heard. 

In Solidarity, 

USW Local 1944