2024 Local Union Delegated Meeting – Day 1

Your Local Union Delegated Meeting (LUDM) kicked off on Tuesday March 19th and continues through March 21st at the Delta Hotel in Montreal.
In her moving and final LUDM address before retirement, Local 1944 President Donna Hokiro highlighted our unwavering commitment to combating gender-based violence, acknowledged the union's victories in collective bargaining against Telus, celebrated the growth and organizing successes of our Union, and critiqued corporate behaviours for actions that undermine our Union and foster a hostile work environment for our members. Reflecting on the past three years, President Hokiro stressed the importance of solidarity and collective action.
“You are dependable, fierce, and mighty... With determination, solidarity, and grit, you will help usher in better days. It’s how you are, how you roll. You, my friends, are those people — the best of us."
National Vice President Pierre-Luc Dick presented an In Memoriam video to honor members we've lost since the last LUDM in 2021, specifically mentioning Brother Keith Murphy from Unit 4, who tragically died in a workplace accident in 2022.
District 5 Assistant to the Director, Nicolas Lapierre, inspired delegates by focusing on our achievements, reminding us, “You are making history!” He underscored our role as agents of change, capable of enacting positive transformations through perseverance.
Nominations for TWPP Trustee positions saw Brothers Czar Loquia and Rick Fleming put forward, with the election scheduled for Wednesday, March 20th.
The Delegates were honoured to have special guest speaker Chief Cadmus Delorme, former Chief of Cowessess First Nation in Southern Saskatchewan. Chief Cadmus called for us to stand beside Indigenous peoples, not to create solutions, but to support their journey towards healing and reclaiming their multi-generational indigenous worldview. He emphasized the need for a collective understanding and acknowledgment of the truth as a fundamental step toward reconciliation.
“Reconciliation begins with acknowledging the truth, understanding the depth of past injustices, and committing to a future where every step forward is taken together, in a spirit of mutual respect and shared understanding”.
Day 1 also featured our Executive board report and a panel session on member mobilisation.
Stay tuned for more updates on Facebook and Twitter.
In Solidarity,
USW Local 1944