President’s Messages

Hello members, Please watch this message from President Michael Phillips.
Please watch this message from President Michael Phillips.
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! USW Local 1944 adds its voice to the growing chorus of labour organizations, faith communities, advocacy groups, and activists working tirelessly to end the campaign of ethnic cleansing in Palestine.

November 27 - The election for your bargaining committee has taken place and the votes counted. As previously communicated, we announced that you, the Telus members, would be an integral part in the selection of your committee in a brand new way. One member – one vote. You the members would decide collectively. We made sure that each province and each classification would be fairly represented, based on the applicable number of members in any one province. In doing so, we designed the ‘silo’ approach.

August 19, 2020 - As summer starts to think about winding down, we reflect on what kind of summer, and in fact, what kind of year it has been up until now, and what lays ahead for the rest of 2020 and beyond. While COVID-19 has certainly thrown a massive-sized wrench into our daily lives and the lives of our families, friends and communities and continues to do so, we stand united in a common purpose; the health and wellbeing of each other.
July 16, 2020 - I’d like to advise all Local members that David Skrober has resigned, effective today, from his position of Regional Executive Officer Alberta on the Local 1944 Executive Board. The Board thanks Brother Skrober for his dedicated and principled contributions since being installed to the office in January 2019.
March 30, 2020 - It is YOU as Telecommunications Workers who are keeping Canada running right now. Many Canadians are working from home and staying safe, countless Canadians are able to call health lines to get their medical advice, and other Canadians are kept aware of important developments by TV and internet. Millions of children are able to learn via e-learning when they are kept home from school, numerous businesses and governments are able to maintain essential services to keep the provinces and country safe from chaos.
March 16, 2020 - As you are all aware, the global COVID-19 situation is becoming more severe every day and has begun affecting each of your workplaces and personal lives. The same is true for myself, every member of Local 1944’s leadership, and all of our staff. It’s during times like these that it’s most necessary for people to support one another, and especially our most at-risk, which is what a Union is all about. Email Outage

August 22, 2019 - Your Local Union 1944 wishes to convey our gratitude to you for your phone calls into our offices regarding the email outage. Rest assured our number one priority is your job and your job protection. Your Union has been in communication with Telus regarding their use of managers on the front lines. Naturally, we object to the use of management in customer-facing roles. 

May 9, 2019 - Our Local Union is undergoing progressive changes aimed at reinvigorating, prioritizing, and engaging our membership. For quite some time, many of you have been asking for more opportunities to be mentored or further develop your skills as activists. Ensuring our future leaders receive the education they need is a top priority for our Local’s Officers.
March 27, 2019 - I’m very pleased to announce a change to the Local’s process of scheduling Unit Meetings, and to the content of those meetings. As previously announced in my President’s Message from February 14, 2019, many of you have expressed a desire to have less structured meetings, meetings that are much more about discussion, learning and plan making rather than moving through the regular order of business, minutes, reports, etc.